
Dharma: Cosmic law & order/Reality
Dhātu: Sphere/Realm/Space
Dharmadhātu is translated more literally as the realm of truth, or consciousness itself, where everything exists as it truly is. It is the space where all phenomena manifest, obey and dissolve back into.
The experience of consciousness is central to our experience as humans, and also the root of all knowing. We often overlook that consciousness is constant. It is our human experience, both internal and external, that is changing. Our pure consciousness does not need to be cultivated, but found. What is cultivated through yoga (in sanskrit - yug: unification) is mindfulness, the practice of awareness.
Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
"The word space is used because the dharmadhatu is like the body or realm of empty space where different things, like clouds, birds, and airplanes can fly around without obstruction. This is because the nature of space is empty and nonexistent. Due to this quality of openness, things can occur. Likewise, dharmadhatu is the essence of things—empty and inconcrete—where all phenomena such as trees, houses, mountains, oneself, other beings, emotions, wisdom, and all experiences can occur openly."


With a Bachelors degree in the field, Alana has been a dedicated dancer throughout both her personal and professional lifetimes. When unfortunate circumstances cut short her future career opportunities, she moved permanently to Asia where she struggled to find a movement outlet. One day, she wandered into a yoga class and quickly fell in love with a judgement free practice. For the first time, she didn’t need to be anyone or anything, her focus was just to exist as she was. In no time, her thirst for knowledge and a deeper journey brought her to India, where she obtained her first formal yogic education as well as an Advanced Diploma in Ayurveda. Her understanding of her path as a yogini solidified after undertaking advanced yogic study under a Buddhist Lama. Eventually, Alana's desire to explore deeper into the human condition came to fruition. She completed both a Master of Sexology as well as an Advanced Diploma in Gestalt Therapy, a psychotherapy methodology. Implementing trauma informed practices and her work in the 'here and now' as a gestalt psychotherapist cultivates an integrative and accessible approach to her classes that feel more personal to each student as an individual.
This distinctive path has given her classes an interesting dynamic still deeply rooted in the true spiritual teachings. Utilising her dance and anatomy training, she takes artistic liberty to embody fluid and boundless-like movements through her classes as well as her Ayurvedic knowledge to choose asanas specific to Marma point stimulation, which are healing and energising to the body. “Dancing through asana practice is merely a tool just as all physical practice. The goal is to work through your kleshas (mental obstacles) that keep you from reaching your true Atman (pure consciousness/self). There are many paths in the journey of yoga. I am merely here to hold a safe space for people to take control of their own journeys and facilitate them in whatever their intention might be each class. This is deep work to re-pattern and gain control of our mind-bodies, while recognising that physical ability is not necessarily the signifier of an advanced practice. All of this is done so that eventually, when we are ready, the real, internal work can begin.”

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